And they are chasing people too tired and too urgent, which is out of order. I didn’t expect the counterattack to be so sharp, but I still defended most of them with high-strength defense.

But the attack continues.
It’s annoying that the first one rushed to the horse and knocked over several of them, but they couldn’t break it. Their defense was a trip. "You don’t even know your angry grandfather and your poor grandfather."
Keep bumping
Shells flying "boom!" "Boom!" I also hit two small troubles, but fortunately, the money was blocked, and I quickly killed and flew, but it was not easy to break through.
They don’t have any weapons, just like Meng Sheng.
And I used to just chop "Ka!" As soon as the hurdle was broken, the person inside was injured and shouted "Look at me."
They’re all turned upside down.
I’ll fight back one by one, and I’m not afraid of a Xuanwu shield. Anyway, such a cooperation is hurt
Kan, they are in a mess.
Money is too tight to breathe, and people are so powerful that they can’t hit each other. They said, "Don’t pretend to be forced, keep pretending, aren’t you fierce?"
Although there is armor, there is no such thing as a wooden cow.
However, the hard power is still too weak to withstand the irritating and financial storm.
They are still very bullish and say, "I don’t believe you dare to kill us and give you a few guts."
I went straight to the throat and stabbed "poof!" Blood flowed out and laughed. "Do you think I dare?"
The red-haired young man died.
Everyone else was dumbfounded when he died in the wooden cow and the flowing horse. "This, this, this" was dumbfounded.
I didn’t expect our right door soldiers’ families to dare to kill them.
I laughed coldly and continued, "Come out from the inside and have a good reply, and you can spare your lives or you will all die."
Even if they killed one, they were all afraid. They immediately came out from the inside and said, "We want to finish it, but we can’t do anything."
That’s right
But it made me angry. That means if we don’t kill these people, we will go back and report the trouble. Of course, we have already said that we are demons.
It’s a sign up, but I didn’t expect so much to happen later.
I thought about it and said, "Yes, I didn’t say that, but there are many crystals that can be picked up at any time. I should be able to look for them instead of you. You can also tell your noodle people that it is our magic teaching."
Or let them kill a horse and rob a wooden cow
Those people also took a look back and were unwilling to leave their ancestors behind.
It’s irritating to say that "the family members of the right door soldiers won’t allow their own things, so others might as well get rid of them, even if someone checks them."
"That’s right"
Money can’t sharpen a knife.
I still gave up "Let’s go for heaven’s sake, even take away your wooden cows and horses". I don’t want to make enemies and feel that there is nothing wrong with it.
They left with excitement at once, although it was broken, but it could be repaired, and the two of them were also white.
He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then let’s finish it, no matter what the mess is." He went to Lin Weiwei Zhuyeqing for several people to finish it.
Chapter 152 Five points three
It’s very simple to merge the three meteorites in our hands into the one we want to protect, and it’s also easy to merge at the touch and become a larger meteorite, which is three times as large as it used to be, straight and beautiful, like a water note.
But it can still be seen that it should be a straighter and larger column without two fifths.
Tong also gave a sign that "players can take a step to find a pink crystal meteorite and a red crystal meteorite after completing the third part of the primary five points."
"It will be late to look for pink crystal meteorites and red crystal meteorites when I have three hours to prepare."
"There will be more powerful zombies after the second day, among which pink crystal meteorites and blood red crystal meteorites will appear in Xi’ an, and the number is limited."
"Show three will be obliterated if it can’t be completed"
The last one will be obliterated, which makes us breathe a sigh of relief. We need a pink crystal meteorite and a red crystal meteorite. Others don’t know what to look for.
It’s already five o’clock in the evening at the break, and there are still three hours to enter the completion point. By then, it will be twenty-four hours before the deputy official of the underground palace of Qin Huang, which means that the test has not yet been official. This is a warm-up
I said there, "OK, then let’s all take a rest and act first." It was getting dark in the courtyard.
Angry and financially unreasonable, I said, "Let’s find some food to eat before we act." I was really hungry after such a run just now.
Lin Weiwei asked me, "How did you let all those people go? They are very capable and organized. You will take revenge if you kill one and humiliate them."
Zhu Yeqing and Pang Bo also knew the situation and said, "Yeah, it’s better to be ruthless."